Memule skali la kan, ade la kengkawan tanye aku, acano nak tao kalu laki tu betoi2 suke kat kite? ahah! Yela...mak kan ade banyak experience... Da mcm mak hayam pulak bunyiknye kan3?? -_-".. Okay.. Malas nak bebel lebiy... Korang2.. Sile bace ape yg tertulis tertaip di bawah...
#1: (Calling-mengalling) Bile laki shuke kat engkorang, die pastinye akan call bile die berkate2 seperti ini, "I'll call u tonight..Just wait for my call okeh.." Xkan adenye esok, luse or tulat or any excuses... Time tu gak la die akan call.. No worries..
#2: (Melepak) Die akan bawak engkorang gie melepak kat mane2 je. Keselaluannye, xde istilah ur place or his place.. Any tempat yg baru or biasanya dipenuhi orang sebab kalo ramai orang means tempat tu besttt.. If it's always your place or his, you might be in a friends with benefits relationship. Da name pun tempat melepak kan... 'Lepak' dan 'Dating' adalah satu istilah yang berlainan yer wahai kawan2ku sekalian..
#3: (Soal-menyoal) Laki tu akan selalu tanye pasal engkorang.. "How's ur day? How's ur life?" etc..etc..
#4: (Jemput-menjemput) He takes you out and is willing to pick you up, you don't have to drive to see him always.. Yeah..he's a man..
#5: (Friends and family) Lelaki itu akan nak sangat bawak engkorang jumpe and kenal2 ngan kengkawan and family die dan begitu jugalah sebaliknya... Just want to move on to the next step in having a real relationship.. Percayalah! Jangan nak segan2 pulak time tu okeh! Sekeh nnt..
#6: (Ayat manis) Not tryng to be a sweet talker! But puji-memuji tu pasti akan ada.. Yerp! He'll compliments you and seems proud of you seperti berkata, "U cantik sgt... Comel sgt... Montel Gebu sgt..." dan sebagainye..
#7: (Rajenkan diri) Die akan mule menjadi sangat ringan tulang dengan mengofferkan diri to help you with things, change a light bulb, look at your tires, add a quart of oil <-- Contoh sahaja okeh..
#8: (SMS) He will message u at random..Just to say 'Hi'..
#9: (Usik-mengusik) Lelaki itu akan menjadi sangat suke mengusik korang.. Teasing.. Sumtimes bullying.. It just to have fun.. Relationship without all these things rase macam x cukup rempah je bagi mereka.. So take it easy okeh.. Korang balas balik je if berkesempatan..;p
#10: (Rindu tahap dewa) Diorang akan sentiasa rasa nak jumpe korang padahal baru je brape minit yang lalu kua sesame.. Haha! Perkara biase la tu.. Engkorang pun same gak godik..
Dan macam-macam lagi! Nak list satu2 memang panjang.. xde kederat da haa nak menaip lagi.. So, if ade di kalangan kengkawang lelaki engkkorang yang suke kt korang or mana2 lelakilah yang buat perkara2 di atas, maknenye die ngah tangkap cintan or lebih spesifiknye ngah angau ngan engkoranglah tu.. Last but not least, nak bagitao korang 1 perkara.. Sile refer ayat2 di bawah nie yerk..
Lelaki nie ade banyak perbezaan.. So jangan samekan mereka on certain things okey.. But nak gtao gak.. Dorang ade types2 of girls in their lives. They have the 'friends with benefits.' Ini ialah jenis pompuan yang they have sex with that will never make it to girlfriend status, well because sang gadis itu settled for less and didn't demand more. Friends with benefits sangat merugikan sebab akan menyebabkan lebih banyak sakit ati dari riang ati..
Then there is the 'filler girl.' A girl they do like, but don't see themselves in a relationship with. Dorang suke kat pompuan nie akan tetapi there's something about her does not inspire him to move her to girlfriend role. She is only filling a position and giving him something to do until he finds someone more interesting.
The last girl is the 'girlfriend.' This is the one he adores and can't wait to see. This is the one you want to be. This girl has done something or there is just something about her that inspires him to take her off the market and claim her as his own. If he is into you, chances are good, he has made you his girlfriend.. Tahniah!
Okeh abes da.. Uiii penatnyeee menaipppp... Sekian, terima kasih..