Haa.. Tao nie label ape? Name die Facebook.. Or in Malay we call it as hincik mukebuku.. Agak kehangenan aku ngan hincik fesbuk neh haa... Haishh.. Tgk label die yg neh pon tibe2 je aku naek hangen gak.. Apetah lg bersosial di lamannye.. Huh.. Awat eh yang aku hangen beno? Ha 2 la kowang aku ase tao n maybe ade yg xtao penyebabnye... Gare2 jari jemariku yg gatal2 g click kt 'button' yg very the.................. TET!
Aku nak tunjuk old profile fb pon xley da lak kan.. Arinih xder lak mud die nk bertukar2 profile lame n bwu ngan aku.. Chaiss ko fb.. Bermain pasaan ngan aku yer kamu. Huh! Afta all kowang tgk la new profile neh haa.. Pe pendapat kowang? Makin tersusun o cantik o makin SEMAK?
Ha tgk... Bagi aku la.. Makin semak lagi ado.. Aku tao la die nk bg owg lg senang nk kenal profile kite o diri kite ngan lg specific kan.. Tetapi bukankah tidak perlu terlalu detail wahai hincik fesbuk.. Pic profile mbe2 kite xyah la display skali.. Wat cam yg lame 2 suda. Lagi x sakit mateku ini memandangnye. Siyesly mmg ramai yg *&C£! la new profile neh! Cam hampeh lg ade! Giler hangen doe kalo tgk.
"Cane nk tukar yg lame balik??"
Haah.. Mimpi je la nk dpt ur old profile balik. Ade yg kate pegi kat account n click deactivated account. Then kt required opinion 2 click kt 'I Don't Understand How To Use Facebook' pastuh click confirm then masokkan password n enter words below pastuh DONE! Afta 10 o 15 o 30 minutes o 24 hours reactivate balik account 2. Memang mule2 HAPPY giler dpt old profile. Gile windu kt profile yg lame beb. Windu n happy dpt profile lame 2 mengalahkan windu n happy dpt jumpe pakwe sendiri. So layan2 lame2 afta 5 o 10 minutes later die akan kembali ke new profile looks balik. SAPE X HANGEN KAN?? Wat penat je deactivated pastuh kne tunggu lak tuh nk reactivated lek. Alek2 same je...
So kengkawan hincik Fesbuk sekalian, sile bace terms2 hincik fesbuk itu dimana telah menyatakan bahawa:
How do I go back to the older version of my profile?
Once you switch to the new version of your profile, you cannot return to the previous version. Upon switching, you will have the option to take a brief tour of the new profile so you can easily locate your favorite features and learn about the new profile features that are available.
Once you switch to the new version of your profile, you cannot return to the previous version. Upon switching, you will have the option to take a brief tour of the new profile so you can easily locate your favorite features and learn about the new profile features that are available.
Sekian harap maklum..
Agak hampeh kan? Grrrr... Nak xnak hadap je la. Aku?? Ngah nak meredhakan keadaan nie.. Huhuh! Sib bek la ade jantung ati, kengkawan tersayang kt dlm hincik fesbuk tuh lau x.. Da lame da aku deactivate x reacticvate2 lagi da. Saba Nia... saba....
K la.. Juz nk kongsi duke lare ngan new profile hincik fesbuk nie je..
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